Sometimes I wonder what is my identity ? Who am I if people see through their social lens ?? Am I an IITian, Am I a boring computer scientist, Am I a baniya or a regular desi in california ? What exactly is my Identity.
The question which bothers most probably is how do I see myself and what exactly I want to look like through my lens ?
What I want to be ?
In my eyes I want to be the guy who lives and dies for his passions, The passion can be a startup, a cause, a sport, a hobby, a movie, my family or whatever The only requirement I have from my life is to do whatever I wish to do with my utmost sincerity and
How do I see myself currently ?
hmm. time for some introspection, specially since 2009 is coming to an end and is a good idea to look back on last year and give yourself some marks
2009 passions I followed and its rating
1) Marathon : Started in June, suddenly I got the running bug and decided to do marathons. I think I started with great passion running my first marathon in 2 weeks of training but then I did missed out on some training sessions and didn't complete the full marathon I aimed at (2 half marathons do not cut it) , Looking at the steep miles curve I ran here and all the injuries
I endured I will give myself a descent 7/10.0
2) interIIT dramatics : August 2009 also saw return of the actor in me with the Diwali Dhamaka InterIIT competition, This was one event where passion was flowing up the brim , The energy, the fun and the passion we had for this was unparalleled and I am proud to get a 10.0/10.0 for this ... This is the kind of passion I want to have in all my endeavors.
3) PanIIT business plan competition: August 2009 was a dammn interesting month looks like, It also saw the entrepreneur bug in me, worked on a business plan and was able to arouse interest from couple of VC's .. The passion I saw there was a solid 9.0/10.0 satisfying but not great enough I think.
4) happened in Nov-Dec 2009 and am pretty happy about the effort which we saw here, learnt a lot of things and had ton of fun ... working part time after a full day of work at linkedin or sneaking up work behind wifey back .. man that is also in 9.5/10.0 category ..
so in all folks, pretty happy with the effort in later half of they year, the bad piece is not a single point to talk about in entire first half ... 2010 need to be different I need a bigger fuller and better scores through out the year :)
one more thing saw this piece somewhere, and loved every word of it ...
"Yaaran di yaari ton Sadi jaan kurban e,
Ki Karna asi Paise te Wakhave nu,
Sanu aapne yaaran te hi ena maan e,
J raab ne dita hai Phooka Paisa lookan nu,
Sanu Baksheya Emaan e,
Jina marzi ehh Kar lain Dikhawa,
PUNJAB de Munde te Kurian Di WaKhRi PehChaan AE"
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago